lördag 21 juli 2012

Intervju med Sean Tyla i Ducks Deluxe

Ducks Deluxe 2012

Fler intervjuer i Poplistan. Och denna är jag extra stolt över. En av mina storaidoler, Sean Tyla, svarar på ett antal frågor. Inervjun görs med anledning av Ducks Deluxe sommarturné i Sverige. Sean Tyla är/var sångaren i detta fina rockband, som fanns till under åren 1972-75.

Ducks Deluxe återuppstod 2007 och turnerar flitigt, inte minst  i Sverige, där de än en gång gör en omfattande turné genom hela landet. Förutom Tyla, så finns även Martin Belmont med på denna turné. Denne Belmont grundade sedan Graham Parker & The Rumour. Sean Tyla bildade i sin tur Tyla Gang, som spelade in en kanonskiva, "Yachtless".
Själv skall jag se Ducks Deluxe i Vänersborg måndag den 30 juli. Här kommer min
intervju med Sean Tyla.

Sean Tyla: Hello Ingemar. You caught me at a good time. I am home for a couple of days.

Poplistan: Nice to see you back in Sweden again soon. I missed your last tour in 2009.  
You do a lot of gigs in Sweden. Do  you feel at home here and how were the
response from the audiences in 2009?

Sean Tyla: We toured in 2010 and 2011 as well! 2009 was special because we hadn't ever played in Sweden before but every tour is good. This year is great fun because it's the 40th anniversary of the band and we have Brinsley Schwarz along as VIP guest. Yeah, I must like the place because I did 80 gigs in Sweden last year. I also have the Trouble Boys with Billy Bremner and Micke Finell but we're having a quiet year because Billy has a new solo CD out and we are giving him some space. I also do some solo gigs and the Tyla gang toured in 2010.The biggest problem in Sweden right now is that there are 10,000 bands competing for the same 500 gigs. Young bands aren't cutting through and the whole of Scandinavia is infested with bad covers bands and mediocre International blues acts. It doesn't help that clubs are closing at an alarming rate too.

Poplistan: You are often tagged as a pub rock band. I think that is a bit unfair. I have nothing
against the genre "pub rock" but you have made so many good ordinary pop songs as well, just
like The Beatles. What do think about being labled a pub rock band?

Sean Tyla: .I think 'Pub-Rock' is more a description of a venue circuit than a musical genre. All kinds of music got played in London pubs through the early 70s. Our material was determined by the band member's individual musical tastes. We couldn't care less if anyone liked it. It was what it was. 

Poplistan: Do you have extra energy  this year? You are touring Sweden etc with Ducks Deluxe in the summer and in the autumn you come back with Tyla Gang. 

Sean Tyla: That isn't true, I'm afraid. There are no plans to tour the Tyla Gang anywhere this year. The Ducks are off to Japan in October with Billy Bremner as our VIP guest for that leg and then I'm in the studio until early February 2013 with my new project, the Holy Dogs. A major undertaking for me but I'm really excited about it. Anyone can join in the fun and be part of the project by going here: http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/seantyla  After that the Trouble Boys do a two week mini tour of the US and then I hit the road with the Holy Dogs. My new book will be out with the Holy Dogs CD/DVD set in March 2013. 

Poplistan: I heard a rumour that you are keen to record a new Ducks album, but Martin Belmont has got other plans. Can you persuade him? 

Sean Tyla: I'm not sure the world needs another Ducks album! I was happy with the Super EP, Box Of Shorts in 2009  and I was happy to repeat the process at some point but I don't want the task of writing the whole thing on my own again. The original DD band was a collaborative and I would want Martin, Jim and Kevin to contribute. It is a band and I'm happy with that. It will never happen though because we can't afford it and no one has the time. We all play with so many different outfits just to pay the bills and eat!

Poplistan: My favourite Ducks tunes are "Coast To Coast", "Something's Going On"
and "Hearts on My Sleeve". Do you have other favourite songs yourselves? 

Sean Tyla: I am sure we do but I don't know about what the other guys think. My favourites are Daddy Put The Bomp, Don't Mind Rockin' Tonite, West Texas Trucking Board and Please, Please, Please. Coast To Coast is a chore for me to sing but it's a cool song, I think.


2 kommentarer:

  1. Fin intervju.
    Har du sett Seans nya projekt?
    Kolla här http://www.seantyla.com/Welcome.html
    eller här http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=sean+tyla


    1. Tack för komplimangen. Det är kul att få leka lite popjournalist på gamla dagar.
      Jag ska ta och kolla in Seans länkar. Tack för dem.
      Fin hemsida A Howlin Wind.
      Du ska väl se Ducks nånstans nu i nästa vecka antar jag.
